
David Adams

here's more below.

Focusing on a platform over an audience never ends well.

Sirus Digital Newsletter – Edition 113

It is simply a mistake to tie your message to a specific platform! At best, creators of content (that would be us) or consumers of content (that would be the audience) are residents of the platform; we do not own it! When viewed with some cynicism, we are more accurately the product being sold on the platform!

The biggest excuses we make are the ones that we tell ourselves!

Sirus Digital Newsletter – Edition 112

We’re all “the hero” in our own story. Whether that means we accentuate the positives/overlook the negatives or vice versa, we look at our life through the most readily-accessible lens we have: Our Point-of-View.

Being especially tough on yourself is self-defeating; excuse-making (especially on your own behalf) is no more helpful.

Motivation comes from within. No one can hand it to you, but no one can take it away from you either!

Sirus Digital Newsletter – Edition 111

We often hear a lot of people blaming others for their lack of (or loss of motivation). That is simply an excuse and cop-out!

Taking accountability for your motivation and effort is one of the first steps to better outcomes. So long as we point to others, we are giving away the control to enact change.

Quote from Sundar Pichai - "I have always held the view that you tend to go wrong focusing too much on competition. Big companies, particularly, fail because they stumble internally."

Sirus Digital Newsletter – Edition 110

It is easy to blame external factors – markets, competitors, political leaders, etc. However, as Google CEO, Sundar Pichai notes, most failures (in business and other endeavors) are caused by internal factors often clearly within our control.

The biggest thing to remember about choices is not about choosing what you want, but instead what you will not get!

Sirus Digital Newsletter – Episode 109

Always remember that making a choice involves both that which you desire and that which you can accept that you’ll not get. All choices intrinsically have some aspect of desire, acceptance, and avoidance. Just make sure that you are comfortable with yours.

Know the philosophy, know the details, and ignore everything else in the middle.

Sirus Digital Newsletter – Edition 108

You can no longer be mediocre. Given a choice, the audiences and customers with whom you want to interact have a multitude of choices. In order for their choice to be YOU, you have to provide real, unique value to them.

The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. Mindfulness means being awake. It means knowing what you are doing.

Sirus Digital Newsletter – Edition 107

We should all know always what we are doing!

If you find yourself losing your grip on motivations & intent, it is frankly time to leave.

No good thing comes out of sticking around a situation getting out of hand!

Life presents the key to the lock that opens the door that we're meant to enter. We just find it along the way.

Sirus Digital Newsletter – Edition 106

It is that part of your journey (doing something different) when you stumble across something unexpected. You find things that you might never have considered before.

The 'Yes' you get after a 'No' is usually a concession; not a conviction.

Sirus Digital Newsletter – Edition 104

We tend to do those things that we want to do (and find reasons not to do things we don’t want to do.)

People, regardless of their leanings, opinions, beliefs, or politics, do those things they want to do, but quickly justify why they won’t do the things that they don’t.

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